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On Becoming a Healer

Sep 11, 2020

A middle aged man had been on a high but stable dose of opioids for years for chronic pain.  His provider decides to wean him. He says "I'm not sure I can handle it," but they keep going.  Is this what a caring or evidence-based physician would do?  

Sep 10, 2020

What's a better way to pick a student for medical school: High MCAT scores or seeing them help a vulnerable stranger when it's inconvenient and they think no one's watching? Reflections on healing as an organizing principle.

Sep 10, 2020

A very bright physician scares a patient from a marginalized community out of the ER with a nasty prank -- and "I laughed too."  How does this happen? Saul Weiner reflects on a moment from residency.

Sep 10, 2020

A patient got labelled as "difficult" who really wasn't so difficult, and it cost him his life.  Where did things go wrong? Details changed to assure patient confidentiality.

Sep 6, 2020

Introducing a new podcast that takes a critical look at medical training and the culture of medicine. Explores how interpersonal boundary clarity and the capacity to fully engage are essential to effective medical practice, mentoring, medical education, and a nourishing career. Designed to challenge you, help you grow,...